Legal Compass

What happens if I lose a No Win No Fee case?

In most personal injury cases, if your case is not successful (is withdrawn or investigation of a potential claim is stopped), there should be no costs for you to pay under a No Win No Fee agreement.

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Do I have to pay tax on compensation for personal injury?

In Victoria, you are generally not required to pay tax from lump sum compensation you receive from a personal injury claim. However, compensation payouts can still have important tax implications which you should be aware of.

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TAC Talk: Road Crashes Polaris Lawyers TAC Talk: Road Crashes Polaris Lawyers

Is it time for Victorian cyclists to be registered and pay for TAC insurance?

There has long been debate between road users about whether cyclists should be registering their vehicles (that is, their bikes) if they are using our public roads. Simply registering a bike because it uses the road and therefore should contribute to the upkeep of that road (even though they have little impact on road deterioration), misses a vital point.

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TAC Talk: Road Crashes Polaris Lawyers TAC Talk: Road Crashes Polaris Lawyers

Ambulance Cover and the TAC

When someone is involved in a motor vehicle accident, it can have a huge impact on their health, finances and security. One of the most common questions we get is ‘Who will pay for the ambulance after a car accident?’, as the cost can be a significant financial impact for many people.

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General News Polaris Lawyers General News Polaris Lawyers

What Does Innovation Mean for Polaris Clients?

In 2017 Nick Mann started Polaris to reframe the way that personal injury advocacy was offered in Victoria, with a vision to:“create the most customer-centric personal injury firm in Australia, with empathetic experts engaging and efficiently guiding injured Victorians through the legal process to great outcomes.”

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