What Does Innovation Mean for Polaris Clients?

In 2017 Nick Mann started Polaris to reframe the way that personal injury advocacy was offered in Victoria, with a vision to: “create the most customer-centric personal injury firm in Australia, with empathetic experts engaging and efficiently guiding injured Victorians through the legal process to great outcomes.”

Since then we have looked for and used innovative ways to deliver on our vision, to bring personal service to personal injury clients, and to reduce barriers to the large number of Victorians who do not engage lawyers to access compensation.

We foster a culture of collaborative innovation to improve the way that services are delivered to injured Victorians which maximises the wellbeing and satisfaction of staff and ensures sustainable growth of the firm.

But what does innovation mean for current and future Polaris clients, in practice?

Innovation 1: Polaris is 100% paperless

Why This Matters for Clients?

  • Advice is delivered electronically (unless requested), documents are immediately available, and you don’t spend a week waiting for the postie to deliver important documents.

  • Court documents and letters to insurers are lodged electronically, saving us time and saving our clients money.

  • Large law firms spend millions of dollars archiving paper files of old matters.

  • We’ve saved thousands of hours, dollars and trees by going online – and our clients share those benefits.

Innovation 2: Polaris staff work remotely

Why This Matters for Clients?

  • Remote working for our teams means that we can attract top quality personal injury lawyers like Rebecca Maplesden, who work well and happily, under flexible working conditions.

  • It means that we don’t need to spend thousands of extra dollars on office space – lower overheads means more savings for clients.

  • Lastly, remote legal practice means portable legal advice. Our legal teams can come to you for advice and assistance; meaning you don’t have to navigate a trip to a city office to get top quality legal advice.

Innovation 3: All Polaris staff contribute to innovation and new ideas

Why This Matters for Clients?

  • The expert team that works on a client’s claim is constantly thinking about innovative ways to improve the experience for their clients.

  • The drive for innovation is centred around the client and their needs, not around the firm.

  • The best ideas rise to the top, regardless of whose they are.

  • Innovation that improves clients’ experience is owned and executed by everyone at Polaris, not just by partners or consultants.

Innovation 4: Polaris asks clients how they prefer to communicate

Why This Matters for Clients?

  • Clients can book an appointment with their lawyer online.

  • Clients can choose how and where they want to be contacted.

  • Clients elect to receive advice in person, in print, by phone or via a short-recorded video which is sent to them by text.

Innovation 5: Polaris shares information about legal rights

Why This Matters for Clients?

  • Large law firms will often work hard to protect what they know about the law, so that they can charge a premium for giving advice.

  • Polaris makes information about personal injury claims openly available to potential and existing clients in a variety of formats including infographics, website content and video/webinar.

  • We believe that if people are aware of their legal rights and are empowered to get the help they need, they will be more likely to engage the people who helped them.

  • Polaris has developed a free Artificially Intelligent chat bot. Visit our ‘Health Complaints Assist’ online chat here. It’s a simple interface which helps people make complaints about their healthcare, including aged and mental health care.

  • Polaris has also developed a free, confidential chat bot which helps people get started with a TAC claim. View ‘Getting started with your TAC claim’ here.

Innovation 6: Polaris caps the legal costs when you win

Imagine how frustrating it would be to go to a store to buy a toaster, only to find that the price tag said: “Something between $4 and $100” and the price depended on factors that weren’t explained to you.

We avoid confusion and frustration about the costs that you pay when you win your case, by making sure that our ‘No Win No Fee’ cost agreements:

  • are in plain English so you can be sure there aren’t any tricks or traps;

  • cap the costs that you pay so that you know you won’t get bill shock; and

  • don’t include any fine print fees or charges (such as a “loading” or “uplift” on the costs)

Innovation 7: Polaris caps the number of matters per legal team.

Some personal injury lawyers at large firms have up to 300 matters at a time. This is why some of them can take a long time to call you back when you call for an update about your case.

Polaris has a commitment to cap the number of clients its lawyers and their teams look after at any time. The cap is different for our TAC lawyers, Workers Compensation Lawyers, Public Liability Lawyers and Medical Negligence Lawyers, but are set to make sure that you get great advice and service, and that your claim doesn’t get “stuck in a queue”.

This all means better service for our clients, and more time for our lawyers to do high quality legal work.

The feedback from Polaris clients and staff to these initiatives has been overwhelmingly positive, with increased engagement and a sense of collaboration between firm, staff and client frequently cited as the result of Polaris’ ongoing drive to innovate in ways that put our clients at the centre.

What you will get from a Polaris lawyer that you won’t get from a large corporate firm.

The Big Law Firms

  • Process your enquiry in a call centre

  • Give legal advice in jargon

  • Give unrealistic promises

  • Ask: what can we charge?

  • Charge an “uplift” meaning an extra 25% in costs

  • Send you long and complex contracts

  • Have hundreds of cases to “process”

  • Overworks paralegals & Junior lawyers do the work

  • View your case as “stock” and put it into a “queue”

  • React to problems in the case

  • Leave you waiting for an update

  • Send long letters to protect themselves

  • Give no certainty about costs you pay

  • Ignore technology

  • Aim to be the biggest

  • Ask you to meet them in their expensive city offices

Polaris Lawyers

  • Give you advice in plains english

  • Deliver what we promise

  • Ask: how can we help?

  • Don’t charge any extra “uplift” costs

  • Give you simple paperwork, explained in full

  • Have a small number of cases – every one is unique

  • Expert lawyers have time to dedicate to your case

  • View your case as important, you are an individual

  • Anticipate and work to avoid problems in your case

  • Give you updates when you want them

  • Give you the information you want, how you want it

  • Give certainty: capping the costs you pay when you win

  • Embrace technology that helps to better serve clients

  • Aim to deliver the best results for injured Victorians

  • Work remotely: we meet you wherever is best for you


Ambulance Cover and the TAC


Independent contractors and WorkCover claims