Legal Compass
TAC common law compensation awarded to injured motorcyclist
In the TAC common law case of ‘Phromphian v the Transport Accident Commission’, the County Court was asked to determine whether an injured motorcyclist had suffered a "serious injury" in a motor vehicle accident and whether he was therefore entitled to compensation.
TAC common law compensation for injured passenger in truck accident
In the TAC common law case of ‘Broom v the Transport Accident Commission’, the County Court was asked to determine whether an injured passenger had suffered a "serious injury" and whether he was therefore entitled to TAC common law damages.
WorkCover serious injury applications
Injured workers who are seriously injured and who prove that negligence of another person caused their injury, will be entitled to WorkCover common law damages.
Are Personal Injury Claim Settlements Confidential?
People who are injured are rightly concerned about what information becomes publicly available when they make a personal injury compensation claim. We’re frequently asked, “who gets to find out about my personal injury compensation claim?” and we aim to answer this here.
WorkCover journey claims travelling to and from work
In Victoria, there are compensation schemes available both for people injured in the course of their employment; WorkCover and TAC claims. But who provides the compensation and benefits if you’re injured in a transport accident on your way to or from home and work? We explore journey claims.
When does a WorkCover dispute end up in the Magistrates Court?
Generally, worker’s compensation disputes that end up in the Magistrates Court include any adverse decisions made by the WorkCover insurer in relation to your entitlements to WorkCover weekly payments and medical expenses where there has been a genuine dispute certificate issued.
Personal Injury Claim Farming
Some law firms are “buying” personal injury claims from unidentified 3rd parties on the internet. Injured people pay the price in more ways than one. It’s time for the practice to be shut down across Australia.
The difference between solicitors and barristers in Victoria
What’s the difference between a solicitor and a barrister? It sounds like the start of a bad joke, and unfortunately, we don’t have the punchline. We can however explain the difference between the two, and also help you find out more about the other titles used in the legal profession.
Jargon and terms used during your personal injury claim
Going through a personal injury compensation claim is difficult enough without having to try and learn the language being spoken to you by your lawyer. One of the first things we decided when we opened Polaris was that we would be clear and direct with our clients, which meant no jargon.
TAC death benefits after losing a loved one in a motor vehicle accident
We look at the potential TAC benefits available for people who have lost a loved one as a result of a motor vehicle accident. These can include income support, lump sum payments, childcare/household help and other benefits.
Birth Trauma Claims and Updated Case Law out of the United Kingdom
A recent judgement out of the UK that addresses a historical medical negligence claim may have interesting consequences for upcoming cases in Australia. This birth trauma claim may provide some interesting commentary on how damages could be apportioned with injuries that are partially found to be caused by negligent treatment.
What is a WorkCover independent medical examination?
An independent medical examination is an appointment with a specialist medical practitioner, organised by the WorkCover insurer, to address some aspects of your worker’s compensation claim or litigation.
Transport accidents while working - is it a WorkCover or TAC claim?
If you’re injured in a transport accident while working, there are some limited circumstances where you may be eligible for WorkCover benefits and a TAC common law claim.
TAC common law damages after a motor vehicle accident in Victoria
Lump sum compensation after a motor vehicle accident in Victoria can be in the form of an impairment benefit and in some circumstances, it can be for what is known as common law damages.
Do I have to talk to the WorkCover investigator?
We explore why worker’s compensation investigators are involved in your WorkCover claim and whether you have any obligation to speak with them.
Medical negligence claims when objects are left in patients after surgery
When I tell people that I’m a medical negligence lawyer, one of the most common questions is about one of the rarest events in medical negligence law: “Do you ever see cases where the surgeon has left scissors in the patient?” The answer is less exciting.
All At Sea – Medical Negligence by a Doctor During a Cruise
In the case of Waine v Carnival (P&O Cruises), Ms Waine sued for damages for medical negligence as a result of the advice and treatment provided by the medical officers on a cruise ship.
Compensation Claims Following Family violence
Compensation options when an assault takes place in a private setting, such as the family home, and the perpetrator is intimately known to the victim.
What happens to my WorkCover entitlements if I go overseas?
We have represented many injured workers in accessing their WorkCover entitlements. Some of the workers we represent are migrants. They often ask whether their WorkCover entitlements will be affected if they leave Australia and return overseas.
Driver held liable for actions of his passenger which led to cyclist injury
TAC case review: this case highlights that a driver’s duty of care, in appropriate circumstances, extends to the duty to warn of potential hazards to their passengers and other road users, such as cyclists.