Will TAC pay for my medical expenses as a result of injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident?
After a motor vehicle accident where you have sustained injuries, you should lodge a TAC claim. If accepted, this may provide you with access to:
Payments for loss of income
Medical expenses
Other expenses like home help and domestic services
Travel expenses for medical appointments related to your accident
Lump sum compensation
How does payment of medical expenses work in relation to my TAC claim?
The Transport Accident Commission (“TAC”) will fund your medical treatment following a road accident as long as your treatment needs are reasonable and related to the accident. In early 2018, the TAC made changes to the way it approved treatment for people injured in a motor vehicle accident. Prior to 14 February 2018, TAC used a “medical excess scheme” which meant that a minimum amount of treatment was covered by the injured person prior to TAC medical expense payments commencing. After February 2017, once your TAC claim is accepted, a number of services will now be pre-approved.
What if I was injured prior to 14 February 2018?
If you were injured before 14 February 2018, you may still have to cover the medical excess. You may need to provide receipts and proof of treatment totalling $651 before the TAC will start paying for reasonable medical treatment costs. If you were injured prior to 14 February 2018 you can use this TAC Tool to determine if the excess applies to you.
What treatment will TAC pre-approve?
The TAC will now automatically approve many treatments and services including:
Surgery within 3 months of an accident;
X-rays and scans;
Chiropractic treatment;
Osteopathy; and
Psychological treatment.
If your doctor recommends any of these treatments, you no longer need to contact the TAC for approval on each occasion. Instead, you can make a medical appointment and provide your TAC claim number and your health provider should send the bill directly to the TAC. This is a positive step towards you getting the treatment you need to recover.
What if the TAC denies treatment after my claim is accepted?
If the TAC deny any treatment that you or your doctor believe that you need because of the accident, you should get legal advice straight away. You only have 12 months to challenge a TAC decision about your benefits. At Polaris, we are experts in TAC claims. We can look at the TAC’s decision and give you free advice about challenging it. Contact us for a free and confidential conversation to protect your rights and entitlements.